The Plans and Operations Division is the heart for the synchronization of current & future operations, emergency planning activities, force modernization, operational planning, and the Antiterrorism Program.  Serves as the tasking agent for the Garrison Commander.
Core Competencies
  • EM/Protection Program - Incident planning, prepare for, prevent, mitigate the potential effects of, respond to & recover from emergencies.  Conduct Emergency Management/Protection Training and Exercises, Full Scale, Functional, Tabletop, etc.
  • Current Operations - Coordinate and synchronize day to day and future operations for the Garrison and to maintain situational awareness for the entire installation, i.e., Recurrent Events, SIR, and CCIR).
  • Operational Planning - Synchronize and integrate Garrison operations to support OPLANS, OPORDS & Taskers
  • Force Modernization - Coordinate Installation support for Army transformation, and equipment modernization actions
  • On Order, execute Mobilization and Deployment Support - Prepare to execute critical support to mobilization operations


“Anti-terrorism is a Team Sport.” It truly is a collaborative daily effort as our Security Professionals tirelessly work to protect the Fort Buchanan family.
Located in the Metropolitan area of San Juan, Fort Buchanan can experience natural disasters, which include flash floods, severe weather storms, hurricanes, and earthquakes.
The Plans and Operations Division is the heart for the synchronization of current & future operations, emergency planning activities, force modernization, operational planning, and the Antiterrorism Program. Serves as the tasking agent for the Garrison Commander.
The Plans section develops, coordinates publication and implementation of OPORDS at short and long range planning consistent with our Garrison Commander, IMCOM, and USARC, mission and guidance.