The Plans, Analysis, and Integration Office (PAIO) provides strategic and management planning, coordination, integration of enterprise-wide programs and activities, and facilitation of the continuous improvement of Garrison functions.

Stationing/BRAC Management
Provide overall integration, planning, monitoring, and coordination of BRAC actions, transformation initiatives, and/or AR 5-10 stationing actions. This includes both CONUS and OCONUS actions as well as inter- and intra-installation movements of units and organizations.  It also provides Senior and Garrison Commanders with the tools and data necessary to effectively capture requirements and cost; and then monitor and report unit movements as necessary and directed.
  • Army Stationing and Installation Plan (ASIP)
The Army Stationing and Installation Plan (ASIP) is the official Army database of populations on Army Installations worldwide. It is based on the Structure and Manpower Allocation System (SAMAS) and The Army Authorization Document System (TAADS) as well as many other official Army data sources. The ASIP is a baseline for Installation planning that provides a consistent look at forces to be supported and provides visibility of potential planning issues.
Customer Service Excellence
Manages and facilitates the Garrison’s Customer Service Excellence (CSE) Program on behalf of the Garrison Commander using the Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) system and other locally generated products and/or initiatives. Effective program management entails using available systems to capture, store, and analyze Voice of the Customer feedback in order to identify positive and negative trends, drive continuous improvement, identify best practices, and make service delivery adjustment/change recommendations to most effectively and efficiently meet the needs of the customers.
  • Service Culture Initiative

This initiative is built upon the fundamental premise that excellence in customer service is a byproduct of how we treat IMCOM professionals. If they are happy, enthusiastic and well cared for, they will pass on and convey this positive attitude toward their   customers (the Soldiers and Families we support).

Strategic Planning
Strategic planning provides a three to five year management tool that aids in the alignment of resources to valid installation requirements and/or initiatives and moves the garrison toward mission and goal achievement. Action on development execution, and monitoring is a necessary and critical element of achieving established goals and objectives. The underlying strategic planning processes are a key component of the Garrison Commander’s ability to effectively synchronize and integrate installation activities in support of Senior Commander mission requirements.
The Installation Planning Board (IPB) is held, at minimum, annually and provides installation leaders and stakeholders with a clear and common operating picture of current and future installation requirements and current and projected resources.
A primary output of the IPB is the Integrated Priority List (IPL). The strategic plan ad supporting action plans, along with the IPL, ensure that installation resources and efforts are applied against missing requirements, established goals and objectives, and the Senior Commander’s enduring priorities. The PAIO, on behalf of the Garrison Commander, facilitates and manages this process.
Integrating Operations
PAIO serves as the primary "garrison integrator" in support of the Garrison Command Group that serves to facilitate intra-agency and / or cross-functional issues through integrated operations; facilitate the development of plans and actions in support of Senior Commander / Garrison Commander directed actions/requirements; and develop products for external stakeholders such as local, state, and federal agencies. The PAIO identifies issues, analyzes data, proposes solution and facilitates a variety of work groups in order to develop garrison-wide solutions. Trough variety of methods, integrates data across    functions to develop the garrison response to a wide variety of tasks affecting garrison services.
Organizational Performance Measurement
This program measures and evaluates garrison/installation performance against baseline standards as established by CLS, ISR, and/or other applicable laws and directives. Some of the components include but are not limited to: (1) manage and monitor Common Levels of Support (CLS) and coordinate installation ISR reporting and certification; (2) be the proponent for ISR-S performance data collection; (3) provide analysis and QA/QC on performance data; (4) conduct data calls and program- and service-gap analyses; (5) coordinate organizational performance management reviews (e.g. IMCOM’ Performance Assessment Review [PAR]); (6) provide analysis in order to identify performance gaps and/or best practices; (7) serve as local Strategic Management System (SMS) administrator and subject matter expert (SME); (8) provide and/or coordinate ISR or other raining related to current and/or emergent performance database systems.
Change Management and Organizational Improvement
This program provides a systemic and codified methodology that facilitates business transformation (organizational change), cost management, and continuous process improvement initiatives (e.g., local suggestion programs, Plan, Do, Check, Act methodology, or Lean Six Sigma) throughout the installation. In addition, this program is intended to provide the garrison commander with the capability to develop or strengthen the systems, processes, and tools that support the seven categories found within the Baldrige Performance Excellence criteria and to which the Army Communities of Excellence (ACOE) program is based on.  Fort Buchanan participates in the annual ACOE competition that measures and recognizes the best performing Installations and communities in the US Army. In 2013, Fort Buchanan was recognized as “Most Improved” winner in the ACOE, an accomplishment that confirms that we are providing high-quality services to our community.