Crime Tip Hotline


Fort Knox Military Police Crime Tip Submission Form


* Confidential *


If this is an emergency, DO NOT use this form. Call 911 immediately!


Important Notes: If you need to make a formal report, please call or visit the Fort Knox Military Police Department. Crime tips made via this form may not be reviewed immediately. If your information is of a time sensitive or urgent nature, please contact the Fort Knox Military Police Desk Sergeant by telephone at (502) 624-2111/2112/2113.

Users are encouraged to report:

  • Tips regarding recent crime incidents which have occurred in the area.
  • Tips regarding drug sales, use, or locations that may be facilitating such activity.
  • Tips on any other type of ongoing illegal activity in the area.

Fill in as much information as you feel comfortable with.

Privacy Act Statement:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301; Principal Purpose: To collect crime tip submissions; Routine Uses: Any of the DoD “Blanket Routine Uses at may apply. Disclosure: Voluntary. However, if the contact information is not provided, the reporting individual will not be contacted.
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Privacy and Delivery Agreement

The Fort Knox Military Police will make reasonable efforts to provide confidentiality of the information being submitted but cannot promise anonymity. By clicking the "Submit" button, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the above statement, and that the information you are providing is not urgent and does not require immediate attention. You understand that you should call 911 or the Military Police if this is time sensitive information.