Services Provided
Installation In- and Out-processing
All Soldiers assigned, attached, or with duty to Fort Knox for 30 days or more, including Reserve Component Soldiers on a contingency or operational support mission, report to Rockenbach Hall, Building 2020, 159 Black Horse Regiment Road, Room 130, no later than one duty day after the Soldier's gaining unit has completed an arrival transaction via in-transit grid in IPPS-A. Soldiers must provide a copy of their orders and corrected absence request to begin installation in-processing. If the Soldier is on permissive temporary duty (PTDY), they should report to their unit prior to reporting to the Processing Control Station (PROC CS). **All Soldiers must complete in-processing in duty uniform.
Soldiers reporting to Fort Knox |
Unit Responsibilities |
Process Control Station (PROC CS) |
Soldiers arriving after normal duty hours are required to sign in at the Department of Emergency Services (DES), building 298, on Gold Vault Road. Contact number is (502) 624-1155.
Incoming Soldiers Requiring Billeting: The DES will coordinate billeting with Garrison for Single Soldiers Private thru Staff Sergeant. All officers, senior non-commissioned officers (NCO), and all married Soldiers, upon signing in with the DES, will report to New Garden Inn, 406 North Knox Street, Bldg. 1327. Contact New Garden Inn at (502) 943-1000.
All Soldiers must be in duty uniform to complete their final out-processing.
LOCAL SOLDIERS All Soldiers within 20-60 days of permanent change of station (PCS), expiration of term of service, retiring, or transitioning from the Army are required to complete an out processing briefing IAW Army Regulation (AR) 600-8-101.
Installation out-processing briefings are offered in-person on Thursdays, located in building 2020, room 111 at 2:30 p.m. **Limited space available in the briefing room**.
Soldiers may complete the briefing without documentation; however, PROC CS will not issue clearance papers until all required documents are received:
For information pertaining to this briefing, call (502) 626-0183. |
REMOTE SOLDIERS Soldiers scheduled to report to the Fort Knox Transition Services Center will complete modified installation out-processing. The PROC CS will utilize the DA Form 137-1 (Unit Clearance Record), received from the unit S1, to validate the completion of requirements. Prior to reporting to building 2020 to complete out-processing, all Soldiers will be directed to clear; Finance, Central Issue Facility, and Out-patient records on Fort Knox in accordance with the Army debt management program. Separating Soldiers must also clear AER prior to clearing finance. Soldiers will then be directed to Transition Services to receive their DD Form 214. See remote out-processing paper for further information. |
Clearance Papers
DA Forms 137-1, Unit Clearance Record, issued by the Soldier’s unit S1.
Installation out-processing clearance papers are issued by the PROC-CS 10 duty days prior to final out-processing date for all personnel. The final out-processing date is determined by factoring in leave, PTDY, and transitional leave.
Final Out-processing
Bring the following documents to the PROC CS on the final out-processing date:
Installation Support Modules (ISM) checklist
DA Form 137-1, signed by the Commander, 1SG, or S1
Approved Absence Request (s)
Department of Defense (DD) Form 2648, Service Member Pre-Separation/Transition Counseling and Career Readiness Standards eForm
Most recent Leave and Earning Statement (LES)
TDY for 90 Days or More
IAW AR 600-8-101: Personnel Processing and DA PAM 600-8-101, Personnel Processing, all personnel in a temporary duty status for 90 days or more are required to out-process through PROC CS. DA Form 137-2, Installation Clearance Record, will be issued by PROC CS.