Abraham Rosario Jr.
Mr. Rosario embarked on his professional journey as a Department of the Army Civilian in June of 2005, while stationed at Schofield Barracks, HI. Over the span of seven years, his unwavering commitment to military principles, coupled with a fervent pursuit of excellence, propelled him through a diverse array of roles. He distinguished himself as a Training Specialist, Logistician, Information Technology (IT) Specialist (Customer Support), and System Administrator, showcasing his adaptability and proficiency across various domains.
From 2012 to 2024, Mr. Rosario ascended to several senior positions, assuming responsibilities as a Senior System Administrator, VMware Expert, Tier II Customer Support Specialist, and Supervisory IT Customer Support. Notably, his expertise extended beyond the confines of the Department of the Army, as he also served as a civilian for the U.S. Marine Corps and as a Department of the Navy Civilian Contractor. This breadth of experience fortified his proficiency in delivering IT support across diverse sectors, including deployments in Europe, Africa, and along the eastern seaboard of the United States.
In his most recent tenure spanning six years, Mr. Rosario contributed significantly to NETCOM's Local Network Enterprise Centers. As the Chief of Enterprise Services for the Network Enterprise Center in Grafenwoehr, Germany, he assumed leadership over a vast network, managing over eleven thousand strategic classified and unclassified desktop services. His oversight encompassed vital support for VCORPS, 7th ATC, IMCOM Bavaria, and the Regionally Aligned Forces (RAF), underscoring his pivotal role in sustaining operational readiness across multiple entities.
He has twice been awarded the Army Civilian Service Achievement Medal.